Case Results

Case Results

State v. G.B.


Client charged with second degree DWI for third offense in ten years. Plead to DWI received staggered sentence with 30 days to be served rather the 90 mandatory minimum. If client follows rules and requirements of probation other 60 days waived.

State v. D.L.


Client charged with fifth degree domestic assault. Client had two prior first degree drug cases and prior domestic that had been dismissed over ten years ago. Charge reduced to disorderly conduct with no jail or revocation of conditional release and no education classes.

State v. R.D.


Client charged with Fourth Degree being under the influence of the controlled substance Lorizepam (Ambien) where he admitted to drinking earlier in the evening and was confused as to time of day and showed signs of impairment. Plead to Careless Driving and Driving While Under the Influence where the carless was entered onto the client’s record and the DUI received a stay of adjudication to be dismissed after successful probation.

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